
Sports Injury Treatment in Punjab

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Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal For Sports Injury Treatment in Punjab

Injuries from sports happen quite often, affecting various parts of your body like bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and more. For the smaller ones, you can usually manage them at home. Patients with minor problems can also take over-the-counter pain relievers. However, there are instances where more serious injuries need the best Sports Injury Treatment in Punjab, like immobilization, undergoing physical therapy, or even surgery.

Overview Sports injury

Sports injuries are injuries that happen while engaging in physical activities, whether it's during exercise or participating in a sport or game. While they're more common among children, adults can also experience them, especially if they haven't been exercising regularly or fail to properly warm up before physical activity, particularly in contact sports.

The typical approach of a Sports Injury Treatment in Punjab usually includes the RICE method: rest, ice, compression, and elevation, combined with pain management and rehabilitation exercises. In certain instances, surgery might be required to address the injury. The choice of treatment varies based on the nature and seriousness of the injury, as well as the individual athlete's age, general health, and level of activity.

What Are The Most Common Sports Injuries?

Sprain injury

A sprain injury occurs when ligaments are overstretched or twisted, usually due to trauma or impact. Unlike injury due to strains, which affect tendons, sprains injury specifically involve ligaments. Ligaments are tough, fibrous tissues that connect bones or cartilage. Symptoms of a sprain often include pain, bruising, limited mobility, and swelling around the affected joint. Treatment of these injury types typically involves ample rest and applying ice to the injured area. Additionally, a doctor may recommend creams or tablets to help manage pain and swelling.

Strain injury

A strain injury occurs when a muscle or tendon is overstretched or twisted, often due to excessive stress on the muscles. Tendons are like ligaments that are fibrous connective tissues. However, while ligaments connect bones or cartilage, tendons link muscles to bones.For example : Hamstrings, Quadriceps , etc. Symptoms of a strain typically include tenderness, swelling, bruising, muscle spasms or cramps, limited mobility, and muscle weakness. Treatment for strains is similar to that for sprains.

Meniscus Tear

The meniscus is a cartilage in your knee that's vulnerable to injury. In simple language, we can say that meniscus is a CUShION or a shock absorber of the knee. It can tear when your knee twists strongly while your foot stays still on the ground and your knee bends. If you have this injury, you might find it hard to put weight on your knee or walk normally. You may also feel your knee giving out or getting stuck in a locked position.

Rotator cuff injury

A rotator cuff injury refers to a tear in one of the four muscles that collectively comprise the rotator cuff. This tear weakens the rotator cuff, resulting in difficulty moving the shoulder in various directions.


There are various types of fractures:

  • Compound fracture - the bone breaks through the skin.
  • Oblique fracture - the bone breaks at an angle.
  • Transverse fracture - the bone breaks horizontally.
  • Comminuted fracture - the bone shatters into three or more pieces.
  • Greenstick fracture - the bone cracks but doesn't fully break.

Bones can fracture due to various reasons. Stress or hairline fractures can result from repetitive strain on the muscles supporting the musculoskeletal system. Fractures can also occur from external force exceeding the bone's strength. Infections or underlying conditions may weaken bones, making them more susceptible to fractures.

Fractures necessitate medical attention. In cases of major trauma, heavy bleeding, visible limb deformity, bone protrusion through the skin, or limb numbness, emergency services should be contacted.

Fractures often require casting and/or surgery. The broken bone is realigned, potentially through surgery, to expedite healing. Limb immobilization is achieved using a cast, splint, or surgical methods. Bone healing typically takes 6-8 weeks, during which rest and physiotherapy are recommended.


usually result from rapid increases in exercise intensity.

Four Types of Stress fracture are :

Type 1 :

Type 2 :

Type 3 :

Type 4 :

Treatment of stress fractures mainly involves rest to the affected part, Anti-inflammatory and pain-killer medications and break from the game or physical activity. Duration of Rest, type of Immobilization - plasters , splints or crepe bandage , depends on the severity and type of injury. Infrequently, surgery may also be required for Type 4 Stress Fracture injury of the bones.

Stress Injuries can be prevented by wearing suitable footwear, cross-training, and gradual exercise escalation. Get in touch with Siddharth Aggarwal for the best bone fractures treatment. Based on your situation Siddharth Aggarwal can suggest diagnoses like X-ray scans and plan your specific treatment to get you back to your sports as early as possible.


A contusion or bruise can occur when trauma ruptures the capillaries. Bruises typically fade within a few days and can be treated with ice or compression if accompanying swelling occurs.

Open Wound

An open wound or a cut can expose the body's internal tissues to the external environment. There are several types:

  • Abrasions: Caused by friction between the skin and a rough surface, such as a scraped knee. Abrasions may have minimal bleeding but require proper disinfection to prevent infection.
  • Lacerations: Deep wounds caused by sharp objects like knives, usually accompanied by heavy bleeding.
  • Avulsions: Result from the violent tearing of the skin, as in an explosion.
  • Punctures: Small wounds in soft tissues, like splinters or bullet wounds, which can bleed heavily if an important organ or vessel is punctured.
  • Incisions: Incisions are clean, straight cuts, often accompanied by rapid, heavy bleeding.Deep incisions may damage underlying muscles or nerves.

To treat an open wound, apply pressure to stop bleeding, clean and disinfect the wound and surrounding area, and dress it with a plaster or bandage.

9. ACL Tear

An ACL tear refers to an injury to the anterior cruciate ligament, a key ligament in the knee joint. This type of injury frequently occurs in individuals engaged in sports activities that involve abrupt stops, changes in direction, jumping, and landing, such as football, netball, basketball, and skiing. Symptoms of an ACL tear may include a sensation or sound of a "pop" in the knee, accompanied by swelling and pain when bearing weight on the affected knee.

10. Dislocation

A dislocation occurs when bones in a joint are forcibly displaced from their normal position, usually due to impact. Symptoms include loss of mobility, swelling, and discolouration. Seek immediate medical attention if you suspect a dislocation.

A doctor may need to reposition the joint if it cannot naturally realign manually. Depending on the severity, local or general anaesthesia may be administered before manipulation. Rarely a surgery may be necessary if surrounding nerves, ligaments, or blood vessels are damaged. After realignment, the joint may be immobilized with a splint. Recovery time varies but typically takes a few weeks, depending on the severity of the dislocation.

What Are the Symptoms of Sports Injuries?



Pain or discomfort

Sensation of pain or discomfort in the region where the injury occurred

Swelling or inflammation

Visible swelling or redness in the affected area

Bruising or discoloration

Appearance of bruises or abnormal skin coloration

Limited range of motion or stiffness

Difficulty moving the affected body part fully or smoothly

Weakness or instability

Feeling of reduced strength or lack of support in the injured region

Difficulty using the affected limb

Inability to put weight on the injured area or use the affected limb normally

Which body parts are most affected by pulled muscles?

When you strain a muscle, it means you have stretched or torn it too much. This often happens because you have used the muscle too much, or maybe you did not use it the right way. Muscle strains can happen anywhere, but they are often seen in your lower back, neck, shoulder, and the big muscle behind your thigh called the hamstring.

Sports Injuries Treatment By Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal

The treatment for a sports injury varies depending on its type and severity. Here are some common treatments:

  • RICE Method: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation - This simple yet effective method is used for minor sprains and strains. It involves resting the injured area, applying ice to reduce swelling, wrapping it with a bandage for compression, and elevating the limb to decrease inflammation.
  • Physical Therapy - For more severe injuries, physical therapy may be necessary to restore mobility and strength to the affected area. This can include exercises, stretches, and other techniques aimed at improving range of motion and reducing pain.
  • Immobilization: Immobilization is a method used to decrease movement in the injured area. This helps prevent additional damage, alleviate pain and swelling, and support the healing process.
  • Medications - Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed as sports medicine to manage pain and inflammation associated with the injury.
  • Surgery - In certain cases, such as a torn ligament or fractured bone, surgery may be needed to repair the injury and restore function.

What is the time taken to heal for different sports injuries?

Sports Injury

Average Healing Time

Ankle Sprain

6 - 12 weeks

Hamstring Pull

6 weeks - 3 months (may take up to 12 months)

Shin Splints

A few days with rest; persistent cases may require further treatment

ACL Tear

Varies based on severity; up to 6-8 months

Tennis Elbow

3 - 4 months

Please note that these times are averages and individual recovery times may vary. It is important to follow your healthcare provider's advice for the best recovery outcome.

Why choose Dr Siddharth Aggarwal for Sports Injury Treatment in Punjab?

Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal is a highly sought-after sports medicine specialist and arthroscopic surgeon. He is renowned for his expertise in treating sports injuries and has over 18 years of extensive experience. He is also a valued member of theIndian Arthroscopy Society, where his significant contributions to the field are highly regarded. As a trusted consultant, Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal is dedicated to providing the most reliable care for sports injury treatment. Our doctor and his team adopt a patient-centered approach, carefully observing injuries and providing treatment while prioritizing the long-term fitness and well-being of the patients. His clinic is equipped with cutting edge medical equipment that help patients heal in a shorter time.


How long does it take to treat a sports injury?

The time required to treat a sports injury widely depends on the kind and degree of the injury. Minor wounds usually heal within a couple of days or weeks with rest and non-surgical management. However, more major injuries may need weeks or even months of rehabilitation and therapy. In some cases surgery might be required which can prolong the recovery time. Furthermore, factors like age, health status and compliance with treatments, also contribute to the process of recovery. A thorough medical consultation by a doctor is required for an accurate diagnosis and individualized treatment for each particular injury.

What is the most effective treatment for sports injuries?

RICE is the most effective treatment for sports injuries. It stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Following these steps can reduce pain and swelling following an injury, as well as promote faster healing. RICE is particularly effective for treating sprains, strains, and severe bruises or bumps.However, a doctor can suggest different treatment methods depending on the severity of the injury.

Which sports injury will take maximum time to heal completely?

Bone fracture and Ligament injuries take the maximum time to heal completely after treatment.

When to consult Dr. Aggarwal right away?

If you notice any of the following symptoms after an injury, it is crucial to see a doctor right away:

  • Lumps, bumps, or unusual shapes in the injured area
  • Severe swelling and pain
  • Weakness or difficulty putting pressure on the joint
  • Feeling unsteady or the joint feels unstable
  • Hearing a crunching sound when moving the joint
  • Experiencing dizziness, fever, or trouble breathing after the injury.

Do not delay seeking medical help if you experience any of these symptoms. It's important to get the proper care to prevent further complications.

How do you treat and prevent common sports injuries?

It is important to stay safe while playing sports so you can keep having fun and staying healthy. Here are some ways to prevent getting hurt:

  • Warm up and stretch before you start playing. This helps get your body ready and lowers the chance of injury.
  • Use the right gear, like helmets or pads, to protect yourself. Make sure your gear fits well and isn't worn out.
  • Learn the correct way to do things. Using the correct techniques helps lower the risk of getting hurt.
  • Start slow and don't overdo it. Take your time to build up your skills and strength.
  • Give your body a break when it needs it. Resting helps prevent injuries from happening again and again.
  • Drink water to stay hydrated before, during, and after playing.
  • Do exercises that make your muscles strong and flexible. This can help stop injuries from happening.
  • Pay attention to how your body feels. If something hurts, don't ignore it. Get help from a doctor if you need it.

By following these tips, you can lower the chances of getting hurt while playing sports and keep enjoying them safely.

For the best sports injury treatment in Punjab consult Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal. Depending on the injuries type and various factors, doctors will suggest different treatment methods.