
Meniscus Tear Treatment in Punjab

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A meniscus is like a C-shaped cushion in your knee that absorbs shock. You have two in each knee. If you injure your meniscus, it's often called a torn cartilage. In such cases, you can contact Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal and his team. With his immense experience in Meniscus Tear Treatment, he might suggest surgery to either remove the damaged part of your meniscus or repair it as per your condition.

What is the Meniscus?

The meniscus is like a C-shaped pad in the knee. There are two of them: one on the inner side called the medial meniscus, and one on the outer side called the lateral meniscus. It's divided into three zones:

  • The outer zone, also known as the red-red zone.
  • The middle zone, known as the white-red zone.
  • The inner zone, known as the white-white zone.

Meniscus injury can be caused due to tears in this area which are classified into different types like radial, horizontal, complex, oblique, horizontal cleavage, and root tears.

Root tears happen when the meniscus is attached to both the front and back of the leg bone, called the tibia, through a structure called the root. This attachment can tear off from the bone, causing root tears.

Causes of a Meniscus Tear

A torn meniscus can happen when you forcefully twist or rotate your knee, like during aggressive pivoting or sudden stops and turns. Even activities like kneeling, deep squatting, or lifting heavy objects can sometimes cause meniscus injury. In older adults, changes in the knee due to aging can also lead to a torn meniscus, even without any major injury.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Meniscus Tear

Symptoms of injured meniscus

People who tear their meniscus often feel a popping sensation in their knee when the injury happens. Other symptoms of injured meniscus include:

  • Feeling like your knee might give out.
  • Having knee pain, stiffness, or swelling.
  • Not being able to bend or straighten your leg fully.

Diagnosis of Meniscus Tear

  • Physical examination

The first step of Meniscus Tear Treatmentis physical examination. A torn meniscus is often detected through this process. Dr. Aggarwal may move your knee and leg in various positions, observe your walking pattern, and instruct you to squat to better understand the cause of your symptoms.

  • Imaging Tests

Imaging Tests



X-rays cannot directly show a torn meniscus as it is made of cartilage. However, they can help rule out other knee issues with similar symptoms.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI uses a powerful magnetic field to create detailed images of both hard and soft tissues in the knee. It is the most effective imaging test for detecting a torn meniscus.

  • Arthroscopy

In certain situations, Dr. Siddharth may utilize a tool called an arthroscope to inspect the interior of your knee. This device is inserted through a small cut near your knee. The arthroscope carries a light and a tiny camera, which displays a magnified view of the inside of your knee on a screen. If needed, surgical tools can be passed through the arthroscope or through extra small cuts in your knee to trim or repair the tear.

Non-Surgical Treatment

In cases where the meniscal tear is small and located on the outer edge of the meniscus, surgery may not be necessary. Provided the symptoms do not persist and the knee remains stable, the following non-surgical approaches are advised:

  • RICE 

The RICE treatment type comprises

  •  Rest
  • Ice
  • Compression
  • Elevation

RICE is widely effective for most sports-related injuries. The patient is instructed to rest from the activity that caused the injury and may be given crutches to avoid bearing weight on the leg.

Application of ice packs to the knee for approximately 20 minutes, thrice daily, is recommended. Care should be taken to avoid direct skin contact with the ice.

Wearing an elastic compression bandage around the knee helps prevent further swelling and minimizes blood loss.

During periods of rest, reclining with the leg elevated above the level of the heart is encouraged.

  • Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medication

Prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs aims to alleviate pain and reduce swelling.

Types of Meniscus Tear Surgeries

  • Removal of meniscus

The procedure of removing the meniscus, termed meniscectomy, is necessary when tears occur in the white-white zone, where repair isn't feasible, or in complex tears where the meniscus is severely damaged. It's crucial to exercise extreme caution to preserve as much of the meniscus as possible, as excessive removal diminishes its cushioning function. Without adequate cushioning, the thigh and leg bones may rub against each other, leading to cartilage damage or even arthritis development.

  • Meniscus repair

Meniscus repair, as the name suggests, involves repairing the meniscus using one of three techniques:

  • Outside-in technique: This involves inserting needles from outside the knee and stitching the meniscus using suture materials, typically utilized for repairing the front half of the meniscus.
  • Inside-out technique: Employed for repairing the posterior half of the meniscus.
  • All-inside technique: This technique offers various options, including biodegradable, peek, or all-suture materials. These materials come with disposable devices that aid in implant delivery into the meniscus, forming a knot or suture around it to facilitate repair.

The Procedure for Arthroscopic Meniscus Tear Surgery

Arthroscopic meniscus repair represents a minimally invasive surgical technique. In this procedure, the arthroscope is delicately inserted through a small incision near the problematic knee. The tool is equipped with a light and a miniature camera. The arthroscope projects magnified images of the knee's interior onto a monitor, facilitating both observation and treatment within the joint. 

If necessary the doctor can also insert surgical instruments through the arthroscope or via additional minor incisions in the knee to address tears by trimming or repairing them. This meniscus tear surgery approach leads to reduced pain and minimized damage to surrounding tissues. This surgery type provides quicker recovery times and leads to fewer postoperative complications such as arthrofibrosis.

Rehabilitation after Meniscus Tear Surgery

After meniscal repair, patients typically undergo a four-week phase of protective weight-bearing using crutches. Transitioning to full weight-bearing usually starts in the fifth week. Patients are advised to wait for six to eight weeks before engaging in low-stress sports and six months before participating in sports that exert greater stress on the knee.

Arthroscopic Knee Surgery at Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal clinic

When considering meniscus repair treatment, choosing Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal ensures that you are in the hands of a highly qualified and experienced orthopedic doctor and surgeon. Specializing in Sports Injuries and Arthroscopic Surgeries of Knee, Shoulder, and Ankle, Dr. Aggarwal brings unparalleled expertise to the table. With a focus on trauma and joint replacement conditions, he has established himself as a trusted figure among patients and peers alike. Dr. Aggarwal's board certification underscores his commitment to excellence, while his professionalism, extensive knowledge, and remarkable skills ensure optimal care and outcomes for those seeking meniscus repair treatment.


Do meniscus tears heal on their own?

Sometimes, conservative Meniscus Tear Treatment like resting, applying ice, and taking medication can be sufficient to ease the pain of a torn meniscus. These simple treatments allow the meniscus injury to heal naturally over time. However, in other cases, surgery may be necessary to address a torn meniscus. The best thing will be to consult a doctor and get their advice.

How can I take care of my knee pain at home?

You can start by avoiding activities that make your knee pain worse, especially sports that involve pivoting or twisting your knee, until the pain goes away. Additionally, applying ice and using over-the-counter pain relievers can provide relief.

What is the best treatment for a meniscus tear?

The best treatment for a meniscus tear depends on various factors, including the tear's size, location, and the patient's overall health. Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal often recommends personalized approaches. For smaller tears, non-surgical options like rest, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory medication may be enough for the patient. However, for larger or complex tears, surgery may be necessary. Dr. Aggarwal can provide effective treatment plans for each patient's unique condition, promoting optimal recovery and long-term joint health.

Can a torn meniscus heal without surgery?

Yes, a torn meniscus can sometimes heal without surgery. In cases where the tear is small and located in the outer edge of the meniscus, surgery is mostly not required. It is the place where blood supply is better and thus doctors can avoid surgery. Non-surgical treatments such as rest, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory medications can help manage symptoms. 

However, it is essential to note that not all meniscus tears will heal on their own, and the effectiveness of non-surgical approaches depends on various factors such as the tear's size, location, and the patient's overall health. Consulting with Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal, can help determine the most appropriate treatment plan for a torn meniscus.

Can I walk with a torn meniscus?

Many individuals may choose to forego visiting a doctor after experiencing a torn meniscus, as they can often still walk on the affected knee. However, over time, typically within several days, the knee's condition may deteriorate, resulting in increased stiffness, swelling, and pain.

Is meniscus tear quite common?

Meniscus tears are quite common knee injuries. They often occur in athletes and people who enjoy sports. The symptoms of injured meniscus can also be noticed frequently in older individuals and those with knee arthritis.

Who could get a meniscus tear?

People who play sports like tennis, cricket, kabaddi, kho-kho, basketball, or football are most likely to tear their meniscus. Contact sports are those where players bump into each other, also raise the chances of a meniscus tear. If you get hit or tackled, it can make you twist your knee and tear the cartilage.

How to prevent Meniscus tears?

Preventing a meniscus tear can be challenging as they often occur due to accidents, but taking some precautions can help reduce the risk of knee injuries. Strengthening your thigh muscles through regular exercises, warming up with light activities before engaging in sports, allowing sufficient rest between workouts to prevent muscle fatigue, ensuring proper shoe support and fit, maintaining flexibility, and gradually increasing workout intensity rather than abruptly can all contribute to lowering the likelihood of a meniscus tear.