
Shoulder Replacement Surgery in Chandigarh

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Shoulder replacement surgery, also called Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty (RSA), is a surgical procedure aimed at replacing damaged or diseased parts of the shoulder joint with artificial elements. This procedure is often recommended for individuals experiencing debilitating pain, limited mobility, and decreased quality of life due to various shoulder conditions, including osteoarthritis, Massive Irrepairable Rotator Cuff tears, rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic injury, or avascular necrosis.

How Does Shoulder Replacement Surgery Work?

Shoulder replacement surgery in Chandigarh, also known as Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty (RSA), is a surgical procedure aimed at addressing severe shoulder joint dysfunction caused by conditions like osteoarthritis,Massive Irrepairable Rotator Cuff tears, rheumatoid arthritis, or traumatic injury. The surgery involves replacing damaged or diseased components of the shoulder joint with artificial implants to restore joint stability, alleviate pain, and improve function.

During the procedure, the orthopedic surgeon makes an incision to access the shoulder joint and removes damaged cartilage and bone. The humeral head (ball) of the shoulder joint is then replaced with a metal stem inserted into the humerus (upper arm bone), capped with a smooth metal or ceramic cup to match the socket of Glenoid.. The glenoid (socket) of the shoulder blade is also replaced with a metallic ball shaped component to provide a smooth, articulating surface.

The artificial components are secured in place using bone cement or press-fit techniques. This reconstruction restores the biomechanics of the shoulder joint, allowing for smoother movement and reduced friction. Postoperative rehabilitation, including physical therapy, is crucial for optimizing outcomes and facilitating shoulder replacement surgery recovery. 

How Are Shoulder Problems Diagnosed?

Shoulder problems are diagnosed through a combination of physical examination and specific tests. During the physical examination, your doctor will assess for physical abnormalities, swelling, deformity, and muscle weakness. They will check for tender areas and observe your shoulder's range of motion and strength. These observations provide crucial initial insights into the nature of your shoulder pain.

Following the physical examination, your doctor may order various tests to further investigate the underlying cause of your shoulder pain:

  1. X-rays: These reveal any bone injuries or abnormalities in the shoulder joint.
  2. MRI scans and ultrasound: These imaging tests offer detailed views of soft tissues, aiding in the identification of injuries to ligaments and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint.
  3. CT scan: Combining X-rays with computer technology, CT scans provide highly detailed images of the shoulder bones.
  4. Electrodiagnostic testing: Tests like electromyography (EMG) assess nerve function, which can be valuable in diagnosing certain shoulder conditions.
  5. Arthrogram: Dye injected into the shoulder enhances X-ray visualization of the joint and surrounding structures, often combined with MRI or CT scans for better clarity.
  6. Arthroscopy: A surgical procedure involving a fiber-optic camera to visualize inside the joint. Arthroscopy not only aids in diagnosis but can also be therapeutic, allowing for the treatment of soft tissue injuries.

These diagnostic methods collectively provide a comprehensive understanding of the shoulder problem, guiding effective treatment strategies.

Different Types of Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Depending on the extent and nature of joint damage, various types of shoulder replacement surgeries may be recommended:

  1. Anatomic total shoulder replacement: This procedure involves replacing both the ball and socket of the shoulder joint with implants that mimic the natural shape of the bones. It's typically considered for conditions where both components of the joint are damaged.
  2. Reverse total shoulder replacement: In this surgery, both the ball and socket are replaced, but the positions are changed. The ball is attached to the shoulder blade; however, the socket is attached to the upper arm bone. This approach is often chosen when the rotator cuff is severely damaged, as it can provide better stability and function.

Presently, RSA (reverse shoulder replacement) is the standard of care for Shoulder Replacement Surgery.

  1. Partial shoulder replacement: Also known as hemiarthroplasty, this surgery involves replacing only the damaged portion of the joint, typically the head (ball). It may be recommended when only one side of the joint is affected, preserving more of the natural anatomy and function of the shoulder.

What Is the Shoulder Replacement Surgery Procedure?

The standard total shoulder replacement procedure involves replacing the arthritic joint surfaces with a metal ball attached to a stem and a metallic socket with HPE line insert . These components, available in various sizes, can be either cemented or press-fit into the bone. Surgeons may opt for non-cemented (press-fit) humeral components if the bone quality is good, while bone cement may be used if the bone is soft. 

Typically, the component is implanted with bone cement unless specific conditions advise against it, such as good cartilage in the glenoid, severe deficiency in glenoid bone, or irreparable tears in the rotator cuff tendons. Patients with bone-on-bone osteoarthritis and intact rotator cuff tendons are often suitable candidates for conventional total shoulder replacement surgery. This procedure aims to alleviate pain and improve shoulder function for individuals with debilitating shoulder joint conditions.

What Is the Typical Recovery Time for Shoulder Replacement Surgery?

The recovery time for shoulder replacement surgery varies among individuals and depends on the specific procedure performed. Generally, patients begin using their arms for waist-level activities within the first day post-surgery and can manage dressing and feeding themselves within the initial week. Driving should be approached cautiously, and it's advisable to resume only when confident in one's ability to do so safely. Physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises are usually initiated soon after surgery to promote healing, restore shoulder function, and achieve optimal recovery outcomes. Overall, full recovery may take several months, with gradual improvements in strength and mobility observed over time. You can visit the best orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal, to avail yourself of the best treatment in Chandigarh.

Benefits of Surgery for Shoulder Replacement

Shoulder replacement surgery in Chandigarh offers numerous benefits for individuals suffering from debilitating shoulder conditions. These include:

  1. Pain Relief: By replacing damaged joint components, shoulder replacement surgery effectively alleviates chronic shoulder pain, allowing individuals to enjoy a better quality of life.
  2. Improved Functionality: Restoring shoulder joint function enables patients to perform daily tasks with greater ease and efficiency, enhancing overall independence and mobility.
  3. Enhanced Quality of Life: With reduced pain and improved shoulder function, patients experience enhanced physical and emotional well-being, enabling them to engage in activities they previously enjoyed.
  4. Long-term Durability: Advances in surgical techniques and prosthetic materials have significantly improved the longevity and durability of shoulder replacements, providing long-lasting relief for patients.