
PCL Reconstruction in Punjab

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A torn ligament in the knee joint can greatly concern and hamper your day-to-day activities. Top surgeons and doctors all over the world, like Dr Siddharth Aggarwal, often use PCL reconstruction surgery to replace those torn knee ligaments. PCL stands for posterior cruciate ligament, which is very essential for your knee to function properly. In the reconstruction, a new ligament is taken from your body, or a donor replaces the earlier one. Hence, a PCL Reconstruction in Punjab will require precision, and only trusted doctors can perform the surgery successfully. Moreover, PCL reconstruction surgery is not only aimed at reducing pain and restoring mobility. It is also done to prevent long-term complications such as knee instability and cartilage damage leading to early osteoarthritis and a damaged knee.


PCL injury symptoms can be very difficult at certain times. Some of these symptoms have been discussed below in detail.

1. Knee Pain

Individuals with a PCL injury often experience pain in the knee. The pain is also, particularly in the back of one's knee joint. The pain may range from mild to severe and can be increased if someone is doing physical activity. Prolonged periods of standing can also cause pain and be a symptom that may require a PCL reconstruction.

2. Swelling

The second symptom on the list is swelling around the knee joint. This is pretty common in most people requiring a PCL reconstruction. The swelling will mostly be localized to the back of the knee. However, it can extend to other areas of the knee joint. It can also cause discomfort and restricted movement.

3. Instability

People requiring PCL reconstruction may also feel as if their knee is giving away or is unstable. Patients may feel as though their knee is unable to support their weight properly. 

4. Difficulty Walking

People who will require PCL reconstruction will find it challenging to walk normally or walk at all. They may also feel that they can’t bear weight on the affected leg. Individuals may experience difficulty walking on uneven surfaces or navigating stairs. This is again due to the instability and discomfort in the knee joint. Most Common Difficulty encountered in a PCL deficient knee is coming downstairs and squatting.

5. Limited Range of Motion

Restricted range of motion in the knee is a common symptom of PCL injury. Patients may find it difficult to fully extend or flex their knee joint. This leads to stiffness and reduced mobility.

6. Popping Sensation

Many patients also say that they hear a popping sensation during the injury. There is also immediate pain and swelling in some just after feeling or hearing the pop. It is often indicative of ligamentous or a meniscus damage.

7. Muscle Weakness

Last but not least, the person can feel severe weakness in the muscles around the knee joint. It is a secondary symptom of PCL injury. As the ligament provides stability to the knee, its injury can lead to muscle weakness and imbalance. This can be scary and further compromise joint function.

What are the various Types of PCL Injuries? 

Now, all PCL injuries are not the same. Each person may have a different knee injury than the other. So, the various types of PCL injuries are-

1. Partial PCL Tear

A partial tear of the PCL involves damage to only a portion of the ligament fibers. This type of injury may cause mild to moderate symptoms. It is often associated with less severe knee instability compared to a complete tear.

2. Complete PCL Tear

In a complete tear, the PCL is entirely disrupted. This leads to significant instability in the knee joint. Individuals with a complete PCL tear may experience severe pain, swelling, and difficulty bearing weight on the affected leg.

3. Avulsion Fracture

An avulsion fracture occurs when the PCL ligament pulls away from its bony attachment site on the tibia. This type of injury is commonly seen in high-energy traumas. It will require surgical intervention to reattach the ligament to the bone again.

4. Combined Ligament Injuries

The fourth type is where you can have a PCL injury in combination with other types of ligament injuries. For instance, the anterior cruciate ligament, medial collateral ligament, or meniscus may be injured. These combined ligament injuries can significantly impact the stability and function of the knee joints and ligaments

5. Multiligament Knee Injuries

In severe cases, PCL knee ligament injuries may be part of a broader pattern of multi-ligament knee injuries. This involves damage to multiple ligaments simultaneously. Managing these complex injuries requires a thorough assessment and coordinated treatment plan to restore stability and function to the knee joint.

6. Chronic PCL Insufficiency

It may develop over time as a result of untreated or inadequately managed PCL injuries. Individuals with chronic instability often experience recurrent episodes of knee pain and lack of confidence on the injured knee. This leads to ongoing functional impairment and potential long-term complications. Most common and devastating complication of Chronic PCL tear is Early onset of Osteoarthritis of the knee : which may necessitate the need for knee replacement surgery in future.

Recovery Period 

While a PCL reconstruction may be tough and exhausting, one should also know that patients can expect proper restoration of their functions once they recover completely. However, you should be following all the recovery measures and follow the instructions as said by your doctor. Dr Siddharth Aggarwal, an orthopedic surgeon who is a renowned name in this field, will help you better understand the steps you should follow during the recovery process. The time for recovery is also not the same for every individual. However, on average, it will take you around 6 to 9 months to recover. After that, you will fully restore the functions of your knee. During recovery, you will also be guided about the things to do and not to do. Here is a list of those things.

  • Engage in Physical Therapy

You should be attending all physical therapy sessions as scheduled. This will help strengthen the knee joint and improve the range of motion.

  • Protect the Knee

You need to use supportive braces or assistive devices as recommended. This is going to stabilize the knee during activities.

  • Maintain Proper Nutrition

Eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients will support healing and tissue repair.

  • Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to help in recovery and promote overall health.

  • Practice Proper Wound Care

Keep the surgical incision site clean and dry. This is very important to prevent infection.

  • Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to any discomfort or pain during activities and adjust accordingly to avoid overexertion.

  • Avoid High-Impact Activities

Refrain from participating in high-impact sports or activities that could strain the knee joint.

  • Limit Strenuous Movements

You should also minimize any activity that involves heavy lifting or repetitive bending of the knee until cleared by your doctor.

  • Avoid Twisting Motions

Steer clear of movements that involve sudden twists or turns. This could strain the knee ligaments after your injury around the knee joints and ligaments.

  • Don't Skip Follow-Up Appointments

Attend all follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to monitor progress and address any concerns promptly.

  • Communicate with Your Doctor

Inform your doctor of any changes in symptoms or difficulties experienced during the recovery process.

  • Stay Positive and Patient

Maintain a positive outlook and be patient with the recovery process. You need to understand that healing takes time, and you, too, will recover with time.

The PCL Surgery Cost

The cost of a PCL reconstruction, again, varies from hospital to hospital. It depends on a lot of things. For example, your hospital charges, admission fees, doctor fees, operation costs, and severity of injury may affect the final cost. You can still expect it to be around Rs 1 lakhs to Rs 1.5 Lakhs, which may be required for the surgery. However, it is wiser to talk to your hospital as you will get a far better understanding of the costs you may need to incur.

Why choose Dr Siddharth Aggarwal?

If you haven’t heard, Dr Siddharth Aggarwal is a trusted name for any type of PCL Reconstruction in Punjab. He has treated hundreds of patients and operated them successfully based on their conditions. As an orthopedic surgeon, he specializes in arthroscopic surgeries of the knee, shoulder, and ankle. He also has several years of experience, and patients trust him for his clear approach to his treatment. Anyone looking to have a PCL reconstruction surgery can surely look up to Dr Aggarwal for their operation. He will be the best person to guide you and bring you back to proper health.


What is the recovery time for PCL reconstruction?

As we have already said, the recovery time for PCl will vary. This is because some people can have less severe types of injury while others may have much more complicated injuries. However, you can expect it to take around 6 to 9 months to fully get back the functions of your knee.

How does the PCL get injured?

Now, PCL injuries can happen for a variety of reasons. For example, it can happen due to a high-impact fall or an accident affecting the knees. Vehicle accidents like falling from bikes are often seen as a major cause. It can also happen in high-impact sports.

How successful is PCL reconstruction?

PCL reconstruction is successful overall. This will, however, depend on your doctor’s expertise, like the success of your operation and other factors such as your recovery time and your overall health. 

What is the role of the posterior cruciate ligament ( PCL ) in the knee?

A PCl, firstly, refers to a ligament in the posterior part of your knee. Its main function is to provide stability to the area around the knees. Its other role is to stop the tibia from moving backward to the femur bone. So, when an individual is walking or running around, The PCL plays an important part in helping maintain stability.

How is a PCL injury diagnosed?

A PCL injury is diagnosed just like other orthopedic injuries and conditions. Your doctor will recommend you take an X-Ray test or an MRI scan. A bone density test may also be recommended. However, the most important way to diagnose PCL Injury is by CLINICAL EXAMINATION of your knee for all possible ligament injuries.