
Shoulder Replacement Surgery in Punjab

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What Is Shoulder Replacement Surgery?

Shoulder replacement surgery, also known as shoulder arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure that aims to relieve pain and restore function in a damaged shoulder joint. This procedure is typically recommended for individuals with severe shoulder pain, stiffness, and loss of function due to conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or fractures that cannot be effectively managed with conservative treatments.

The surgery involves removing damaged or diseased parts of the shoulder joint and replacing them with artificial components made of metal and plastic. This helps restore smooth movement, reduce pain, and improve shoulder function.

The decision to undergo shoulder dislocation surgery is based on a thorough evaluation of the patient's medical history, physical examination, imaging studies like X-rays and MRI scans, and assessment of the severity of the shoulder condition. Post-operative rehabilitation and physical therapy are essential components of recovery to regain strength, mobility, and function in the shoulder joint.

Shoulder joint replacement, though less common than knee or hip replacements, is equally successful in alleviating joint pain. Originating in the 1950s for severe shoulder fractures, this surgery has expanded to address various shoulder conditions, including arthritis.

When conventional methods like medication and lifestyle adjustments prove ineffective in pain relief, shoulder joint replacement becomes a viable option. It's a safe and efficient procedure, facilitating pain reduction and enhancing daily functionality. Whether you're researching treatment avenues or have finalized your decision, understanding the procedure's nuances and benefits becomes crucial.

Different Types Of Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Shoulder replacement surgery comes in different types, each tailored to address specific conditions and patient needs. Here are the main types of shoulder replacement surgeries:

  • Total Shoulder Replacement

This is the traditional approach where both the ball and socket components of the shoulder joint are replaced with prosthetics. It's effective for severe shoulder pain and arthritis but may not be suitable for those with a damaged rotator cuff or individuals planning to remain highly active post-surgery.

  • Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement

In this procedure, the positions of the shoulder's ball and socket are reversed. It's commonly used for patients with failed total shoulder replacements or severe rotator cuff damage. The ball on the humerus is replaced with a socket prosthetic, and the socket receives a prosthetic ball. This alteration in joint rotation can benefit those with conditions like cuff tear arthropathy.

  • Partial Shoulder Replacement

Here, only the damaged part of the shoulder is replaced, typically the humeral head with a prosthetic ball. The natural socket remains intact, and depending on its condition, it may be smoothed or reshaped to enhance movement. This surgery is suitable for specific cases where full replacement isn't necessary.

  • Shoulder Resurfacing

When the shoulder's ball is damaged but doesn't require complete replacement, resurfacing is an option. A fitted cap is applied to the humeral head bone, replacing the damaged part with a metal implant. This improves shoulder movement without full prosthetic installation. Physical therapy is crucial for recovery, making it a viable option for pain relief without total shoulder replacement.

Visit Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal to determine the best course of action for each shoulder dislocation surgery.

How Are Shoulder Problems Diagnosed?

Shoulder problems can be diagnosed through a series of tests and evaluations conducted by healthcare providers. These assessments help pinpoint the underlying issue causing shoulder pain, reduced range of motion, or other symptoms. Here's how shoulder problems are typically diagnosed:

  • Physical Examination

Orthopedic surgeons start with a thorough physical examination, assessing factors like pain intensity, tenderness, range of motion limitations, and muscle strength. They also inquire about the patient's medical history, previous injuries, and lifestyle to gather relevant information.

  • Basic Shoulder Tests

Basic tests are conducted initially to gauge general shoulder functionality, including range of motion and muscle strength. These tests help identify the affected area within the shoulder joint complex, which includes joints, muscles, and tendons.

  • Special Shoulder Tests

Specialized tests are then used to narrow down potential causes and determine the most suitable treatment approach. These tests target specific shoulder structures and functions to diagnose conditions such as rotator cuff injuries, tendonitis, shoulder instability, labral tears, and frozen shoulder. Examples of special shoulder tests include:

  • Neer Test: Checks for shoulder impingement.
  • Speed's Test: Identifies biceps tendonitis.
  • Apprehension and Relocation Test: Assesses shoulder instability.
  • Sulcus Test: Detects shoulder joint instability.
  • AC Joint Compression Test: Diagnoses AC joint separation.
  • Hawkins-Kennedy Test: Evaluates shoulder impingement.
  • Drop Arm Test: Detects rotator cuff tears.
  • Empty Can Test (Jobe Test): Assesses supraspinatus muscle integrity.
  • Lift-Off Test: Checks for subscapularis tendon tears.
  • Crank Test: Identifies labral tears.
  • Teres Minor Test: Evaluates teres minor tendon injuries.
  • Imaging Tests

Following the initial evaluation and specialized tests, imaging studies like X-rays, arthrography, MRI, and ultrasound may be recommended to visualize internal structures and confirm diagnoses. These tests help identify damage to bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage, as well as track changes over time.

  • Diagnostic Decision

Based on the physical examination, special tests, and imaging results, your orthopedic surgeon makes a diagnostic decision regarding the specific shoulder problem. This information guides treatment planning and management strategies tailored to each patient's condition and needs.

What is the Procedure of Shoulder Replacement Surgery

The shoulder joint is a complex ball-and-socket joint where the round head (ball) of the upper arm bone (humerus) fits into a shallow socket in the shoulder blade (scapula). This joint allows for a wide range of motion, including lifting, rotating, and moving the arm in different directions. However, due to various reasons, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fractures, or other degenerative conditions, the shoulder joint can become damaged, leading to pain, weakness, and stiffness.

During shoulder replacement surgery, the surgeon makes an incision to access the shoulder joint. They then remove the damaged parts of the joint, including the damaged cartilage and bone. Afterward, the surgeon replaces these components with artificial implants. These implants come in various shapes and sizes to accommodate different patient needs. There are several options for shoulder replacement, including partial and total replacements, as well as anatomic and reverse implants.

The partial shoulder replacement procedure involves replacing only the damaged part of the joint, while total shoulder replacement replaces both the ball and socket with artificial components. Anatomic implants mimic the natural anatomy of the shoulder joint, while reverse implants switch the positions of the ball and socket, which can be beneficial for certain conditions like rotator cuff tears.

What Is The Normal Recovery Time For Shoulder Replacement Surgery?

Most patients can return to most activities involving the shoulder about six months after surgery, with diligent adherence to post-operative instructions, physical therapy, and follow-up care.

The recovery time for shoulder replacement surgery varies depending on individual factors such as overall health, age, and the extent of the surgery. Generally, patients can expect to spend one to two days in the hospital following the procedure. During this time, the operated arm may be numb due to a nerve block, providing effective pain relief initially. However, this numbness can limit finger and wrist movement in the operated arm.

After being discharged, patients typically wear a shoulder sling for six weeks to protect the replaced joint and, in cases of an anatomic shoulder replacement, to safeguard the rotator cuff repair. While wearing the sling, patients are encouraged to perform normal daily activities like eating, writing, or shaving but should avoid lifting objects or making sudden movements until cleared by their healthcare provider.

Post-surgical complications, though rare, can include infection, bleeding, or dislocation of the replaced shoulder. Physical therapy is crucial for recovery and usually begins the day after surgery with specific exercises to prevent stiffness and regain range of motion. Patients with an anatomic shoulder replacement procedure start a structured therapy program one to two weeks post-surgery, focusing initially on passive range-of-motion exercises.

Pain management involves a combination of medications tailored to individual needs, and patients are advised to care for their incisions carefully to prevent infection. Stitches are typically removed at the first follow-up appointment, and patients should contact their surgeon if they notice any signs of infection or unusual symptoms around the incision.

Why Choose Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal For Shoulder Replacement

Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal is a highly skilled orthopedic surgeon specializing in shoulder replacement surgery, making him an excellent choice for patients seeking optimal outcomes in shoulder joint restoration. His extensive training, expertise, and commitment to delivering high-quality care set him apart in the field.

His understanding of shoulder anatomy, biomechanics, and advanced surgical techniques ensures precise diagnosis and personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs. He stays abreast of the latest advancements in orthopedic technology and follows evidence-based practices to achieve successful outcomes.

Patients benefit from his compassionate approach, thorough preoperative evaluations, clear communication, and dedication to patient education. He fosters a collaborative environment, involving patients in decision-making processes and addressing any concerns or questions they may have.

Choosing Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal for shoulder replacement guarantees access to exceptional surgical skills, compassionate care, and a commitment to restoring shoulder function and improving quality of life.